
$50 Green vouchers

As part of your participation in the Green Loans Program, you will recieve a $50 green voucher in the mail to spend on anything on the 24 following list of items:

1. Compact flourescent lamps (CFLs)
2. Light emitting diode (LED) light bulbs
3.Water efficient shower head (AAA rated 9L/ min or lower)
4. Shower timer
5. In-line flow restrictors for existing shower heads
6. Aerators for taps
7. Rolls of flexible self-adhesive door and window seals
8. Self-adhesive or screw-fixed door draughts seals (real of door type at the threshold)
9. Pipe insulation for lagging
10. Solar Garden Lights
11. Grey Water Hose
12. Water-less car wash
13. Adapable water saving device's for existing toilets and plumbing fixtures
14. Standby switch deactivation products
15. Compost bin or worm farm
16. Downpipe diverter
17. Dual flush toilet
18. Grey water diverter
19. Rainwater
20. Roof, wall and/or ceiling insulation
21. Shade sails
22. Pool Blanket
23. Ceiling fan
24. Water efficient tapware and component, AAA rated 0L/min or lower.

The voucher will come either with the report, or in the weeks following, in the mail from the Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and Arts